Josh’s Blog – Week 1 – Introductions
Hi, I’m Josh. Blog Started. The hardest part of writing is the opening, I’m glad that’s sorted!
So, what is this about you may ask?
Last week, our website maestro Phil approached me
about my interest in helping, despite me having absolutely no clue on how a website works.
One of the things we discussed was having some regular content about things going on in
and around the classic car world, and I agreed to take a stab at it. This will be by far the
longest of the blogs, don’t worry!
My introduction. For those who don’t know, I’ve been a member of the NWCC for the past 2
and a half years, signing up after Bob Holder came running down the car park at Irlam train
station shouting “Bring it up here, no one will see it down there!” followed by me promptly
crashing my 1996 Flame Red Rover 800 Vitesse into the brilliant white fencing… from then
on it was settled, I had to sign up if only for the embarrassment of my attempt to make the
Vitesse look like a knock-off from a certain 70’s detective show staring David Soul. By day, I
work in Finance paying invoices, by weekend I’m at some sort of car gathering in either the
Rover or my 1998 Volvo S70 T5. 2 cars I wanted ever since I grew up travelling around in
the back of them as a child.

My Dad, Dave, who passed in February was also a member,
and attended most of the shows with me. My new show assistant is by better half, Beth, who
I’ve been “courting” for the last 8 and a half years.
Enough of me – the cars, the shows, the weather; this is what we’re all here for!
Last weekend brought an absolute cracker of a weekend with weather, and whilst I was
unable to make the Saturday at the spectacular Anderton Boat Lift, Sunday more than made
up for it. The sun made an appearance, cars (and John Cleaver’s Honda Goldwing
motorcycle) were gleaming, and the banter was rife – this is what a classic vehicle show is
all about! We were joined by many a colleague from the Phoenix and St Helens clubs, and it
was great for me to see some cars I haven’t seen before – immediately taking my eye was a
blue Vauxhall Monaro tucked away in the corner. Being completely biased, there was a
stunning Volvo PV544 making an appearance, and I had a chat with the owner – welcome to
the club!
This weekend I’m glad the St Helens Bus Museum show is inside, the weather forecast for
Sunday isn’t looking brilliant. I always enjoy this one, Wetherspoons Breakfast and a look
round my “Winter Hobby” of Model Railways at the back of the building. Yes, I would love the
ex-Rover Showroom sign in the garage scene; no, it won’t fit in the boot, I’ve measured.

Bank Holiday Monday brings a myriad of shows across the northwest, my choice is the
Rainhill Gala – a first for me this year. Looking onto the following weekend, I’ve booked the
obligatory “Car Wash for Tatton” Friday off work and will be there for both days in the T5, as
unfortunately the Vitesse has taken a small sideswipe whilst parked. Booked in for bodywork
on the 24 th of June, so will be back for the Liverpool show.
I’m conscious that whilst I was advised of keeping to the subject of cars, I know some of our
members enjoy the game of football – on Saturday, 2 Manchester-based teams play each
other no where near Manchester, and last weekend saw a team from Oxford promoted to the
Championship for finishing 5 th . I one day vow to understand this, and learn the offside rule,
but for now ill stick with Trains, Planes and Automobiles (not the film…)
So, my pledge to you – I will attempt to write a regular blog, of what has happened in the
club and car world this week, a history point, throw in a bit of sport here and there, and try to
keep everyone entertained – no pressure then! If anyone has any suggestions on topics you
want me to write my thoughts on, feel free to drop them into conversation. Wherever you end
this weekend, I wish you the best of weather and best of health and thank you for keeping
our passion of cars alive!
End of first blog – that wasn’t so hard Josh!
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