What We Do

As a Club, we:-

  1. hold monthly Club meetings.
  2. organise and run our own Annual Show.
  3. participate in Club ‘drives’, at least twice a year
  4. support the NWCC Chosen local charity organisation with fund-raising through our activities. As well as other charitable organisations. Click for further details
  5. help organise and run selected other events. That have included. Hale, Burtonwood, St Roccos and Speke Hall.
  6. participate in numerous shows and activities throughout the year
  7. support and assist our members
  8. have a really good time!


The annual fee for membership of the club is £20, £15 for students with a valid student ID

Ways to Join Us :-

  1. Online using PayPal (Preferred) Click here
  2. By Post:- Please download/print membership form and send it, together with a stamped addressed envelope, with a cheque for the correct amount. JoinForm2019 click to download.
  3. At any club night

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